Mad Men Challenge 3

Mad Men Dress Challenge 3 I'm in

For some unknown reason, I’ve never taken part in one of the official Mad Men Challenges… Until NOW!

Julia Bobbin is hosting the Mad Men Dress Challenge III, the pattern I chose to work with is Butterick 9497.

Butterick 9497

The character that has inspired this is Bobbie Barret, she famously appears in season two, as the wife of notorious comedian Jimmy Barret. Turns out she is not only a snappy dresser, but the brains behind his success. I love her coat and hat ensembles, she is just SO stylish, and a complex character, both powerful and vulnerable. I searched for some images just so you know what I’m talking about, when I found this post all about Bobbie! Here she is enjoying a martini…

Bobbie Barrett cocktails

And here she is wearing a lovely outfit, coat, dress and hat. Fabulous.

Bobbie Barrett coat and hat

In the meantime, more about the pattern and the fabric.

This dress has two skirt and sleeve length options, I opted for the slim skirt and long sleeves, I think that’s what Bobbie would do. I decided to make a matching hat….. As I KNOW that’s what Bobbie would wear. The hat looked great all pinned and draped, but I think it lost something when I hand finished it…

Butterick 9497 pattern layout bodice plus sleeve

In the centre above is the sleeve ! I thought would be a bit over top, and not my style, but actually I really enjoy the shape and find it flattering. Overall, it is one of the easiest dresses I’ve sewn, so another to make again, perhaps in the full skirted version.

So, here are some photos!

Mad Men Dress Challenge 3 Butterick 9497 coat

Coat off!

Mad Men Dress Challenge 3 Butterick 9497 complete

It’s all a bit serious.

Mad Men Dress Challenge 3 Butterick 9497 complete side on

Until Austin the Cat comes along…

Mad Men Dress Challenge 3 Butterick 9497 and Austin

Hat wearing would be so much easier if I could just pin it to my head.

Mad Men Dress Challenge 3 Butterick 9497 Hat

With the last season of Mad Men coming up, this is probably the first and last Mad Men Dress Challenge I do, officially at least. I cannot wait to see the other dresses, so check back at Julia Bobbin for the big reveal later this week!

Mad Men Dress Challenge 3 Butterick 9497


  1. I just LOVE this gorgeous dress! (The entire outfit really!) It fits you perfectly and the colour is wonderful. And I also love the fact that you made a hat as well =)

    Keep up the good work!


  2. Oh WOW, I just love this dress! It has perfect drape and thos sleeves are fabulous. And Bobby Barret is such a great character, her wardrobe is perfect 60’s glamour. Good luck in the challenge!


  3. OK! that dress is amazing!… now lets talk about that hat… did it come with the pattern? did you draft it? can you do a tutorial?
    just Fab!


    1. Thank you for your comment! The hat, well that is a whole other story…

      I self drafted it – it is loosely based on the crown of a sun hat pattern. I think I’ll have to blog about the process, it was all trial and error and I was racing to get it finished in time for photos. So, I’ll get back to you, I have wanted to make another (seeing as so many of these gorgeous patterns are styled with hats, and don’t include them in the pattern..) so I will ensure I document it for others, it was really not too difficult, just a bit of playing around to get the desired shape.

      Thanks for your enthusiasm!


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